
Happening Now in the BSR Studio - December 05, 2019 at 11:20PM

Thanks for stopping by the blog. Here's what I'm up to today in the BSR Labs. If you're curious about this project and can't find a tutorial on my blog, leave me a comment and I'll do my best to get back to you. Straight from Instragram to you:

That’s a wrap! The cover to our guest book/cabin journal is complete. These trees were copied from a picture taken out the huge window downstairs in the tree cabin. The “SS” is the same as the center of the design I burned into our picnic table. I look forward to filling this with memories for years to come. I’ve wanted one of these pyrography machines for years and am so glad I finally got one for myself. #pyrography #tekchicwoodburner #treehouse #treecabin #cabin #cabininthewoods

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