
Happening Now in the BSR Studio - November 24, 2019 at 04:02PM

Thanks for stopping by the blog. Here's what I'm up to today in the BSR Labs. If you're curious about this project and can't find a tutorial on my blog, leave me a comment and I'll do my best to get back to you. Straight from Instragram to you:

I got the saws out to cut the last pieces of fencing to finish off the cabin walls and attacked a couple more projects while I was at it. I know the rains are going to set in soon which makes using the power saws really challenging. This wood quilt is something I’ve wanted to try for ages. It’s going to be the door for the storage shelves at the stair landing in the cabin. I’ve got a lot of glueing to do but this is the initial mock-up. #build #woodquilt #cabin #diy #treehouse

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