
Come Tour the Homestead

I've found that I'm often really curious about where people's gardens sit in relation to their home. I really like to see the whole picture in my mind. Just in case you're like that too, I found a great little online tool to create an interactive map of my property. I hope you enjoy the tour as well as some photos I wanted to include in this post. Just hover over the dots to see a pop up picture of what is there now. Please note, the photo below is more than a year old so it doesn't show the greenhouse, new bed nor any of the awesome growth out there right now.

The garden is growing beautifully, so much so that I'm already on to my second round of growth in some of the beds. I've harvested and moved on to late summer / fall crops already. So exciting!

So come take a tour:

*Aerial image pulled from satellite view on Google Maps

And now some photos I'm particularly excited about ... some are already on the map, some are not.

I love pulling into our driveway and looking at the garden:


The Striped Roman tomatoes are growing huge and the plants are so productive. I've already canned 9 pints of thick rich tomato sauce. I can it without adding any spices so that I can use it for anything from soups to pasta sauce. I did cook it down a bit though so it has a wonderful consistency.


Speaking of canning, this was my harvest a couple of days ago:


The greenhouse is doing a wonderful job of protecting the tomatoes plus I think it looks great. I added roll-up sides to let the plants get as much air as possible while still protecting them from rain:


I love this view from the path:


On the opposite side of the property, the squirrels have eaten all my popcorn. I give up:


The hubs grew some beautiful flowers from seed this year. I'm excited for him to grow even more next year (and so is he, hooray). This beautiful dahlia greets us from the front yard:


And lastly, my cherry tomato and strawberry stealing garden imp:


 Thank you for reading,

1 comment:

  1. So incredibly beautiful! Can't believe you even crafted a marker for Squirrel Food!
