
Inappropriate Elf - The Christmas Story Sequel

Have you heard of the annual Inappropriate Elf contest over on BabyRabies? It totally cracks me up so this year I had to enter. I took it upon myself to clue you into a little part of the birth of Christ that never made it into the Bible.

We'll pick up just after He was born ...

Mary and Joseph celebrated the birth of their son, Jesus. The three magi came bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They even had some animals looking on, seeing as they'd just booted those animals out of the stable so Mary could give birth, they were understandably curious. 


But wait!! Daer the elf was peering down on the scene. What could he want?


Daer quickly moved in and took Joseph down in a powerful headlock.


Then before anyone could figure out what was happening, he stuffed him in the stable.


He closed the doors and locked them up tight.


To the shock and horror of those looking on, Daer embraced Mary in a loving hug. Looks like Jesus wasn't much of a miracle after all.

Happy Family - Memories 2

Of course, there was a huge coverup so nobody ever heard what happened that fateful night after Jesus Christ was born.

Merry Christmas!

Thank you for reading,

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