1st Birthday Party - Hot Cocoa Bar

For the baby's first birthday party, we had a mustache theme. Because it was in mid December, we opted for a menu of warm homemade soups and a cocoa bar. The cocoa bar was so fun to put together and I had all the ingredients on hand.

(photo taken AFTER the party when many of the chocolate mustaches were gone)

Here's what I included:

  • Candy mustaches on sticks which were secured in styrofoam below some decorative grass in a canister
  • Starbucks Via instant coffee singles (mocha anyone?)
  • Fresh whipped cream 
  • White chocolate and peppermint syrups
  • Buttermints
  • Vegan marshmellows
  • Regular mini marshmallows
  • Cinnamon and sugar in separate shakers
  • Rich, thick homemade hot chocolate (see recipe below)
I made hot chocolate on the stove top then transferred some of it to the insulated pot you see on the table there. Here's the recipe I used:

  • 1/3 cup blue agave nectar
  • 1/4 cup Hershey's cocoa
  • Dash of salt
  • 1/3 cup hot water
  • 4 cups vanilla soy milk
I followed the instructions on the cocoa container which said to mix the sugar (agave), cocoa, salt and 1/3 cup of water in a saucepan. I cooked it over medium heat until it boiled then kept it boiling for at least 2 minutes. Then I poured in the soy milk and heated to a good drinking temperature.

The agave made it nice and thick but I found I was able to drink several cups without getting a sugar rush which is a nice thing about agave. 


Thank you for reading,

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