And now for the crop-by-crop update. Remember (from my original garden post) that the flags indicate where I planted seeds. Also please note that where I say how many seeds I planted, that actually represents how many pinches of seeds I planted in most cases. So for this first one, I didn't literally plant 2 seeds, I have 2 holes where I dropped a few seeds in.
PARSLEY (1 start, 2 seeds)

CILANTRO (1 start, 5 seeds)

CHIVES (4 seeds)

BELL PEPPERS (4 starts)

HOT PEPPERS (4 seeds) - I'm going to replace this section with something else, these have failed.

PEAS (6 seeds) - Major success here!! We'll build the necessary climbing structure for them once they get a little bigger.

ZUCCHINI (2 starts)

CANTALOUPE (4 seeds) - I'm shocked these are growing and really curious whether or not they'll survive

GRAPE TOMATOES (2 starts, 2 seeds) - The seeds didn't take but I didn't really think planting grape tomatoes from the fridge was going to work.

BUNCHING ONIONS (8 seeds) - These seem to be doing well

RADISH (6 seeds) - I'm so thrilled at how well these are doing.

CARROTS (10 seeds?) - These too seem to be doing alright.

LETTUCE (4 seeds) - We're going to plant the whole row with lettuce so it comes ready at different times (not to self, get on that).

BASIL (1 start, 3 seeds) - I sure wish this was coming in better, we could eat a lot of basil if we had it.

CILANTRO (1 start, 5 seeds)

CHIVES (4 seeds)

BELL PEPPERS (4 starts)

HOT PEPPERS (4 seeds) - I'm going to replace this section with something else, these have failed.

PEAS (6 seeds) - Major success here!! We'll build the necessary climbing structure for them once they get a little bigger.

ZUCCHINI (2 starts)

CANTALOUPE (4 seeds) - I'm shocked these are growing and really curious whether or not they'll survive

GRAPE TOMATOES (2 starts, 2 seeds) - The seeds didn't take but I didn't really think planting grape tomatoes from the fridge was going to work.

BUNCHING ONIONS (8 seeds) - These seem to be doing well

RADISH (6 seeds) - I'm so thrilled at how well these are doing.

CARROTS (10 seeds?) - These too seem to be doing alright.

LETTUCE (4 seeds) - We're going to plant the whole row with lettuce so it comes ready at different times (not to self, get on that).

BASIL (1 start, 3 seeds) - I sure wish this was coming in better, we could eat a lot of basil if we had it.

Do you have any tips for this first time veggie grower?
Thank you for reading,
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